Inspired by colour: Yellows & Golds

Yellows and golds are vivid, energising and luxurious. The brightest hues in the colour spectrum, they are synonymous with the freshness of spring, happiness, sunshine, wealth and warmth.

In heraldry yellow was an indication of honour & loyalty, and in China it is the colour of royalty.

Dark yellows and gold-hues feel and complement the antique and are often used in designs where a sense of permanence is desired.

We have curated a range of fresh & elegant yellows and opulent golds for our velvets, silks, and woven fabrics. Colours that have been selected to work harmoniously with other products from the Chelsea Textiles brand.

We have compiled them in a single mood board to complement and
provide inspiration for your designs.


For additional information about the fabrics featured on our yellow & gold mood board
please contact [email protected] in our New York Showroom